Sunday, 15 January 2012

So it's 2012 now...

I haven't done much online since the summer, as I went to Madagascar and fell ill. I'm back to normal now, and went for a nice winter walk this morning, when I saw this fox having a kip on a riverbank.

1 comment:

Alexandriahh said...

Dear Elizabeth Kay,
My name is Alexandria Helmbolt. We have spoken through e-mail before. My family now lives in Costa Rica, struggling to live with no money and no way to come home. The last thing they did before things got as bad as they did was send me home to the states to finish high school and go to college. The only problem is I cannot afford to go to college. I am currently under temporary guardian ship of Bobby and Mindi Wright. I live in Columbia, South Carolina and am currently employed at a movie theater making minimum wage. College is a very big thing for me and I have done everything I can to apply to the colleges. Living without your family makes it really hard to save the money you earn, I have bills and other things I use my minimum wage checks for and have no money to save for college. Are any of your sponsors doing scholarships? Please help me pursue my dreams and make my family proud. Their only wishes are for me to succeed in college so one day I can make enough money to bring them home. Please contact me in anyway. Thank you so much for your time.
(803) 318-1107